Gaming as a Family

In fact, families are increasingly spending time playing video games together, as generations who grew up playing video games are
now sharing their passion with their children. 74% of video game playing parents say that they play video games with their children, an increase of 9% over the past two years.

This includes eighty-three per cent of parents with six-to-12-year-olds, and 63 per cent of parents with kids aged 13 to 17 – who
list having fun, and an opportunity to bond as the top reasons to play video games with their children.

Play Video Games with
your Children 6 to 17 y/o?

Base: Parents of Users

How often do you Play Video Games with
your Children 6 to 17 y/o?

Base: Play Video Games with children

Why Play Video Games with Your Children?
Play Video Games with Children (n=344)